KPI & Balanced Scorecard

Ключевые показатели эффективности и сбалансированная система показателей

Дополнительное чтение
  1. Маслов Е. В. Управление персоналом предприятия: Учебное пособие. М.: Инфра-М; Новосибирск: НГАЭИУ, 1998. 192 с.
  2. Kirn Steven P., Rucci Anthony J., Huselid Mark A., Becker Brian T. Strategic Human Resource Management at Sears.
  3. Abrashoff D. Michael. Retention through Redemption // Harvard Business Review. February 2001. P. 137—141.
  4. Gendron Marie. Keys to Retaining Your Best Managers in a Tight Job Market // Harvard-Management Update. June 1998. P. 1—4.
  5. Why Workers Quit. Arizona Republic. 26 July 1998.
  6. Money Can’t Buy Employee Commitment, WFD Research Reveals. Business Wire. 4 August 1998.
  7. Study of the Emerging Workforce. Saratoga Institute, Interim Services, Inc., Santa Clara, Calif., 1997.
  8. Dobbs Kevin. Knowing How to Keep Your Best and Brightest // Workforce 8, 2001, 1 April, № 4A.
  9. Corporate Leadership Council Employee Preferences Database, Corporate Leadership Council Research and Analysis. Corporate Executive Board, 1998.
  10. Grimm Joe. Turning On, Turning Off, Turning Over // Editor & Publisher. № 17, p. 133.
  11. Royal Weld. Workplace: Countdown to the Great Labor Shortage // New York Times. № 11 August 2001. Business section.
  12. Sumser John. Retention Segmentation // Electronic Recruiting News. № 26, December 2000.
  13. Statement of Stephen A. Perry, Administrator of General Services, General Services Administration, before the Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy, Committee on Government Reform, and the U. S. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C., № 31, July 2000.
  14. Fishman Charles. The War for Talent. Fast Company. August 1998.
  15. Axelrod Elizabeth L., Handfield-Jones Helen, Welsh Timothy A. War for Talent, Part Two // The McKinsey Quarterly № 2, 2001;
  16. Population Projections Program, Population Division, U. S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 13 January 2000.
  17. Nakashima Ellen. Specialist Accuses Bush of Ignoring «Talent Drain» // Washington Post, № 11, July 2001. P. Al 7.
  18. Sumser John. Talent Supplies // Electronic Recruiting News, 17 August 2000,
  19. Heard on CNBC in his «State of the Economy». Report to Congress, February 1999.
  20. Adapted from «CareerPower: An Individual Guide to Career Planning». Career Systems International, Inc., Scranton, Pa., 1998.
  21. StarringPower: Re-Recruiting Your Talent in That First Year. Career Systems International, Scranton, Pa., 2001.
  22. Dorsey David, Pearson Andy. Finds Love // Fast Company, August. 2001, № 78.
  23. Mercer William M. Having Fun Benefits Employees and Employers Alike // News Release about Survey. New York, April 1999.
  24. Melnarik Christina. Retaining High Tech Professionals: Constructive and Destructive Responses to Job Dissatisfaction among Electrical Engineers and Non-Engineering Professionals (Ph. D. diss., Walden University, 1998).
  25. Kaye Beverly, Bernstein Beverly. Mentworking: Building Learning Relationships for the 21st Century. Workshop materials. Career Systems International, Inc. Scranton, Pa., 1998, 45.
  26. Adapted with permission from «Run the Numbers». Career Systems International. Scranton, Pa., 2000.
  27. Jordan-Evans Sharon, Kaye Beverly. Opportunity Mine-ing. Workshop materials. Career Systems International, Inc. Scranton, Pa., 1998.
  28. Koprowski Gene J. Flexibility in the Workplace Is an Increasing Concern // Information Week. № 10 October 2000. P. 212.
  29. «More Employers Offer Work/Life Benefits to Gain Edge in Tight Labor Market». The Hewitt Work/Life Survey, company press release, 4 May 2000.
  30. «Invest in Your Values: A Self-Assessment Instrument». Career Systems International. Scranton, Pa., 1999.
  31. Leider Richard, Shapiro David. Whistle While You Work: Heeding Your Life’s Calling. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2001.
  32. Dobbs Kevin. Knowing How to Keep Your Best and Brightest //Workforce. 8. № 4A. 1 April 2001. P. 57.
  33. Mitchell Susan. American Generations: Who They Are, How They Live, What They Think. Ithaca, N. Y.: New Strategist Publications, 1998.
  34. Huselid Mark A., Jackson Susan E., Schuler Randall S. Technical and Strategic Human Resource Management Effectiveness as Determinants of Firm Performance // Academy of Management Journal 40, № 1, 1997. P. 171-188.
  35. Walker Garrett. Director HR Strategic Performance Management, GTE, telephone interview with author (Mark Huselid). August 2000.
  36. Сенге Питер. Пятая дисциплина. Искусство и практика самообучающейся организации. М.: Олимп—Бизнес, 2003.
  37. Сенге Питер, Клейнер Арт, Робертс Шарлотта, Росс Ричард, Рот Джордж, Смит Брайан. Танец перемен. Новые проблемы самообучающихся организаций. М.: Олимп—Бизнес, 2003.